Central Primary School

Central Primary School

Children are Central

Derby Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD17 2LX


01923 225129

Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

 Health and wellbeing is an important part of the care and provision we provide for our children and parents at Central. 

Prevention: We ensure safe environments for all pupils and teach pupils about resilience through PSHE lessons, assemblies, oracy assemblies and our school values. We teach children how to manage their emotions through Zones of Regulation. We also follow a Thrive approach which involves a therapeutic approach. 

Identification: Emerging health and wellbeing issues are recognised by all staff members as part of their safeguarding responsibilities. Teachers ensure good relationships with children in their classes and refer to the school's SEMH panel to identify needs and take next steps to put support in place. 

Early Support: Early intervention is led by the SEMH panel members that include the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher (MH Lead), Inclusion Assistant Head, Thrive Practitioners, SENDCO and Elsa Practitioner. The panel assists pupils in receiving the correct Mental Health support and interventions that suits their needs.  

Access to special support: Where spaces are available, external agencies and referrals to the correct service are undertaken. 

Our Curriculum

In Science, PE, Computing and PSHCE, children learn about mindfulness, nutrition, exercise, healthy lifestyles and online safety. These areas are embedded across our curriculum in these subject areas. 

Further to this, we offer bespoke interventions particularly focusing on emotional wellbeing including:

  • Drama Therapy
  • Drawing & Talking
  • Thrive Approach
  • ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support Assistants 

External agency support

We work with a number of external agencies to support health and wellbeing. These include: 

  • Family Support Worker - we work closely with our family support worker to provide early support for families. 
  • NHS Mental Health Support Team - we work closely with practitioners for guided sessions for children and families. 
  • Watford Empower - we work closely with Watford Football Club to improve young people's mental health using physical activity. 

Talking about mental health can be difficult. Here are some useful website that could help:

 For children:

  • Anna Freud - National Centre for Children and Families
  • Places2Be - Supporting your child's mental health
  • Mind - Information for parents about supporting your child's mental health
  • Hectors House - Information about Mental Health stigma 
  • NESSie - Information on support positive mental health with training forums and supports for parents/carers


For adults: 

  • Talking Therapies - Information for confidential talking therapy treatments and employment support for adults with mental health problems.
  • Together All - Information for practical wellbeing tools and resources for adults
  • Carers in Herts - provide monthly support groups for parents/carers
  • Cruse Bereavement Support - Information about grief for both adults and children
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